Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So she wants to break up!

I have been with this one chick more as a friend but still I have been there for 3 years. Everytime she needed money. Who was there? I was there. Everytime she needed a ride. Who was there? I was there. Then last summer when she needed a place to crash for 3 months who was there? Yep I think you are getting the hang of it now, huh!

So she says we hang around each other too much and we should maybe distance ourselve. Ok im fine with that but the next time she gets in a bind she had better not come back around. Ever.


_-*Kristen*-_ said...

maybe shes starting to get scared. commitment-phobe? maybe.

Les said...

Don't waste your time looking can only go forward. There is more out there than this one chick.
Check out my blog if you think you have problems..
It's not easy out there today!

writergirl3.0 said...

Sounds like she isn't very grateful to you as a friend. You know what they say - screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me.....

Jessica Shope said...

Yeah...I only read the really good ones more than once. lol. I practically have my own library in my room. Most of it consists of fantasy or romance novels, though.

I have this bad habit of buying more books than I'm capable of reading in the amount of time that I give myself. But every time that I walk into Barnes and Noble, I just want to buy the whole store. lol.